GENRE: Comedy Feature
LOGLINE: When a riot grrrl’s gangster father kicks her out of the house, she hatches a plan to throw him one last middle finger. Across town at Punk Fest, a ragtag group of her friends face the highs and lows of teenage life.
Kids Like Us by Bill Meeks
- Tina, Jeremy, Grandma Postal, and several other key players play key roles in the first Everly Heights book Infinite Tina: World’s Apart, out now.
- Nosloo from Nosloo The Great appears as the lead singer of a punk band, one of several ideas I have for future episodes of that show.
- Cynthia Postal from Nosloo The Great appears as the retired grandmother of Peter Postal, the skinhead punk. Peter Postal continues into Curtain Call, set twenty years later.
- Mr. Matheson, Ricky Special’s math teacher in Very Special, has moved on from teaching into the role of a local businessman. He owns The Koffee Shop where Nat works.
- Since I wrote them in tandem, many of the characters from Kids Like Us come back twenty years later in Curtain Call with an update to their story.
- Jeremy from Fanboy makes his first chronological appearance weeks before he leaves Everly Heights on a journey that continues into Fanboy and wraps up in Curtain Call.
- Benjamin Ainsley questioning his sexuality in this story sets up his arc in Curtain Call.
- Tina Infantino, the town crank in Curtain Call, makes her second appearance as a fun-loving punk teenager. Her first appearance was in Zoo of Zero Tolerance.
- Zoo of Zero Tolerance, Kids Like Us, Curtain Call) to help them explore the multiverse.