Suggested Price: $1.29
Nelly Harrison, better known as “Mean Nelly,” is a 13-year-old girl who’s harsh behavior masks a deep sense of loneliness and a desire for connection. Unable to live up to the high expectation of her artistic parent, Mean Nelly lashes out as a way to protect herself from further emotional pain. Her iconic red dress, a hand-me-down from her grandmother, represents the family connections she longs to save, but struggles to maintain.
NOTE: Prompt Mean Nelly by using her name (i.e. “A MeanNelly girl stands in front of a building.”)
This is a “pay what you want” product. Support future template development by pitching in, or download it for free by putting $0 in the price field.
Nelly Harrison, better known as “Mean Nelly,” is a 13-year-old girl who’s harsh behavior masks a deep sense of loneliness and a desire for connection. Unable to live up to the high expectation of her artistic parent, Mean Nelly lashes out as a way to protect herself from further emotional pain. Her iconic red dress, a hand-me-down from her grandmother, represents the family connections she longs to save, but struggles to maintain.
NOTE: Prompt Mean Nelly by using her name (i.e. “A MeanNelly girl stands in front of a building.”)
- Dataset created with outputs of the Everly Heights Character Maker Pony XL and Everly Heights Set Builder models.
- Covers a variety of Mean Nelly’s moods, from angry to upset.
- Mean Nelly appears by default in her signature red dress, but you can change it to something more adventurous with prompting.
- This LoRA is most flexible at .5-.7 weighting. Higher weights may make your images stick too close to the training data.

Everly Heights is the brainchild of Bill Meeks. His goal is to tell stories in the small town of Everly Heights, based on the small town in West Virginia where he grew up. Along the way, he’ll teach you the latest AI tech and techniques he’s using to bring his world to life in the YouTube series Building Dreams, as well as keep you informed in his semi-monthly news show Stable DiNEWSion.
If you’d like to support the project and development of future models like this one, please consider donating on Patreon.
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