“The Commercialization of Christmas Past” – Mr. Matheson’s Arithme-TIPS for December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas! I hope you're having an awesome day of family, friends, flicks, and yeah, a couple presents. I'm not anti-present. I just always bought into the whole "good will toward men" side of the holiday. And the songs... Love the songs!

I hope you've enjoyed Mr. Matheson's adventures so fart. In the new year, more artistic adventures as he tries to pull his life back together.
Latch on to learning, and MERRY CHRISTMAS from Everly Heights!
Bill Meeks
Creator, Everly Heights
P.S. If you like the strip and you'd like a personalized letter from Mr. Matheson himself, do I have the product for you! Click below to support the Everly Heights Arts Board and get cool stuff!