“Black Friday” – Mr. Matheson’s Arithme-TIPS for November 29, 2024
To cap off the week, I decided to make a horror movie poster for "Black Friday." Black Friday got diluted a lot by the pandemic, but the commercialism it represented really got under my skin over time. In the mid-00's, I actually stopped celebrating Christmas entirely as a sort of protest. I've always been a big believer in the "Christmas spirit." You know... Good will toward men, do unto others, etc. In my mid-20s, I realized that most people only seemed to care about the gifts, which to me was kind of missing the point.
I started celebrating Christmas again back in 2018, mostly because it bummed my wife out that I didn't join in the festivities. I took my stand a month before we started dating, so we'd never got the chance to celebrate together. Now, I really can't go back, right? I tend to think the commercialism of the holiday I was protesting is better now. You rarely hear stories about riots at Wal-Mart on Friday morning anymore.
Thanks for joining me for this experimental week on one-panel Thanksgiving comics. Come back next week to get back to Mr. Matheson's story, involving an intruder in The Koffee Shop. Until then...
Latch on to learning!