Teachers’ Lounge PANEL 1 A sad unshaven BillMatheson man stands in the teachers’ lounge at work holding a coffee cup and looking pretty rough, like he didn’t get enough sleep. His co-worker, an overly cheerful BrendaArtsBoard woman, bops up to him at the coffee machine. BrendaArtsBoard woman How’s Angel doing? Haven’t seen her in a while. PANEL 2 A sad unshaven BillMatheson man freezes with sadness and fear in her eyes. His knuckles whiten as he grips his coffee cup and forces a polite smile. BillMatheson Man Oh, you know Angel… She keeps busy! PANEL 3 BrendaArtsBoard woman cuts in front of a sad unshaven BillMatheson man, oblivious to his sadness BrendaArtsBoard woman Good for her! I bet she’s off doing something exciting. BillMatheson man She’s… exploring Pittsburgh with Billy. PANEL 4 A BillMatheson man looks into his coffee cup, afraid to make eye contact with the BrendaArtsBoard woman. BrendaArtsBoard woman Well don’t fall apart without her. BillMatheson man Of course not! Why? Who said something?

“The Teachers’ Lounge” – Mr. Matheson’s Arithme-TIPS for December 18, 2024

There's nothing more awkward than going on living your life when you're going through hardship. You don't necessarily want to lie to people, but at the same time you don't want to burden people with the whole truth. The line between friend and coworker is tough, right? You spend so much time with people but in a lot of ways you barely know them. It's easy to show a little more of the real you at work than you should, especially at upcoming holiday parties, but I'm a big believer in keeping a professional distance with your co-workers. An occasional drink together is no big deal, but I find the more you let your co-workers into your personal life, the harder it is to manage either side.

Latch on to learning!

Bill Meeks
Creator, Everly Heights

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