“Meet Mr. Matheson” – Mr. Matheson’s Arithme-TIPS for October 28, 2024
Welcome to the second official offering from Everly Heights! What is Everly Heights? I get into the why of Everly Heights here.
Anywho, after 18 months or so of R&D to figure out how to use the latest AI tools to bring my stories to life, they are finally ready for prime time and I'm back to telling them. I've had a special place in my heart for Mr. Matheson since I created him for Very Special four years ago. For the last couple years, I've had an inkling of a story floating around in the back of my head about Mr. Matheson. It's about his passions (math and the arts), and about how the things we love can often pull us away from the people we love.
This week, Mr. Matheson will keep it pretty light. We'll be in his classroom, getting to know him as a math teacher before we see him tackle arts projects and entrepreneurship in Everly Heights. If this comic strip is a play, this week is the first scene that sets the stage for things to come and introduces you to our main character.
Bill Matheson is a central figure in the Everly Heights timeline, and I'm pleased as punch to finally tell his story. Don't worry. These funnies are plenty funny too.
Latch on to learning!
Bill Meeks
Creator, Everly Heights
P.S. Check out the first new story out of Everly Heights, Infinite Tina: Worlds Apart!