“Black Friday” – Mr. Matheson’s Arithme-TIPS for November 29, 2024

To cap off the week, I decided to make a horror movie poster for "Black Friday." Black Friday got diluted a lot by the pandemic, but the commercialism it represented really got under my skin over time. In the mid-00's, I actually stopped celebrating Christmas entirely as a sort of protest. I've always been a big believer in the "Christmas spirit." You know... Good will toward men, do unto others, etc. In my mid-20s, I realized that most people only seemed to care about the gifts, which to me was kind of missing the point.

I started celebrating Christmas again back in 2018, mostly because it bummed my wife out that I didn't join in the festivities. I took my stand a month before we started dating, so we'd never got the chance to celebrate together. Now, I really can't go back, right? I tend to think the commercialism of the holiday I was protesting is better now. You rarely hear stories about riots at Wal-Mart on Friday morning anymore.

Thanks for joining me for this experimental week on one-panel Thanksgiving comics. Come back next week to get back to Mr. Matheson's story, involving an intruder in The Koffee Shop. Until then...

Latch on to learning!

Bill Meeks
Creator, Everly Heights

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